Author: Happy Dog


Kiddie Retail Education Looking for something to do with your kids in the cold winter months? Come to a free kids cooking class at select Whole Foods!

It’s Relevant

Kids Gets Veggiecated with Free Cooking Classes Veggiecator, Maxon Keating, discusses why educating children about veggies is important, how to get them excited about trying new veggies, and positive peer pressure.

The Produce News

Kids get “Veggiecation” at Whole Foods Featured article on our healthy kids cooking classes and novel approach to nutrition education.

Newsday Westchester

Cooking Class for Kids in White Plains View pictures and details from our White Plains Whole Foods Class. Classes are free and open to the public.

Stretch Marks

The Mediterranean Diet The Mediterranean Diet and Skin Health: Check out what Veggiecation founder, Lisa Suriano, has to say on the subject.

PBS Parents

Encouraging Family Fitness & Healthy Habits Get Your Family Moving! Our founder, Lisa Suriano shares tips to Encourage Family Fitness.

Epoch Times New York

City Grows School Salad Bar Offering Signs designed by New Jersey based Veggiecation, will be displayed at the 57 new salad bars in New York City public schools, which were donated Thursday by Whole Foods Market.

Buffalo Grove Patch

Kindergarten Students Grow, Donate Produce Illinois school St. Mary’s uses the Veggiecation Program to integrate nutrition education lessons into all areas of their curriculum.